Coach's Corner
Coaches' Corner
You are the lifeblood of this organization. By your presence, and the way you relate to your players, you teach much more then just soccer. So, as you instruct try to remember that your players will often forget the coaching point, but they hardly ever forget how it was delivered.
Training and Support
As of now, the GBSL will be holding two (2) Coaches Clinics this year. We ask that all out head or assistant coaches attend one (1) of the clinics If you're new to coaching or soccer, the clinic will teach you how to organize your practice sessions and give you some great ideas for drills/games the children just love. If you've played in college or maybe even done some coaching at higher levels, you can learn how to translate your knowledge into a language younger children can understand.
The clinic also provides a forum for veteran youth coaches to share their experiences and for a frank and open discussion on coaching philosophies. It's an opportunity to meet your fellow coaches in a relaxed, friendly and fun filled environment. Please plan to attend. The information regarding 2016 coaching clinics can be found on the announcements page.
Coaching Aids -In 2013 the league started using an online resource, Youth Soccer 101, to provide practice drills for our coaches during each week of the season. Each coach receives (via e-mail) age-appropriate drills for the team each week. For a demo of the Youth Soccer 101 site please use the following link
Great Link to sites that explain Soccer Laws:
Support During the Season - Your Division Commissioner will be available to answer questions, provide additional equipment and deal with any other issues that crop up during the session.
For new Division One Coaches Check out these notes from the Coaching Coordinator - This is worth a read by all coaches no matter the age or division you coach in.
Soccer Links you might find interesting: