LVU Boys Tryouts
All players, new and returning, wishing to tryout for an LVU Team must pre-register and pre-pay online.
Tryouts and Registration
Interested Player Form: For those interested in joining a team, please click the link to fill out the Interested Player Form
LVU ECNL RL, EDP, USYS, ICSL Tryout Information
Teams for the 24-25 seasonal year have already been formed. If you are interested in trying out for a team, please reach out to the coach directly.
*For players interested in joining teams that have already completed tryouts, please reach out to coaches directly to be considered
LVU parent testimonial
Here’s some of what I have observed over Christopher’s 5-year LVU experience:
- Superior Training — The competency of Chris’s coaches is unquestionably and uniformly excellent. He has had no less than half a dozen coaches at LVU (partly because he’s received some specialty training as a goalkeeper). Each coach has demonstrated a high level of commitment to excellence in coaching. They’ve taken the time and effort to obtain higher-level USSF licensing (even if soccer parents have no idea what an A, B, or C license means). They come to each practice or training time with a plan for individual player development. And their methods work! Chris’s performance has improved tremendously over the years.
- Character-Based Coaching — At LVU Christopher has observed not only effective coaches but effective adult role models; as parents of three boys, this is a particularly high value for Karen (my wife) and I
- Game-Changing Field Time — Significant winter training time is absolutely vital to player development, and every club promises it; LVU actually provides it—several times a week, every week, from late November to late March. The extra touches add up! Players can’t get a better opportunity to develop their soccer-playing ability than by playing at LVU.
- Vision-Casting — Every parent wants to expose their child to activities that capture their child’s imagination and encourage him or her to set high goals, develop discipline, work hard and smart, and achieve. Christopher’s LVU coaches have given him a vision for achievement and challenged him to grow in important areas.
- The Immeasurable Joy of “Team” — The soccer world is amazing; it’s one of those communities where you play with and against players who you meet again and again over years. Some of those players end up becoming lifelong friends as you participate together and see one another overcome adversity and share goals. Years later, you still cheer at your old teammates’ achievements. My son has begun to develop those kind of friendships at LVU.
- Former LVU Parent, Chip Buck